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The People Who Make It Happen

Dr. Evelyn Erenrich

Associate Dean and Chief Diversity Officer, School of Graduate Studies

RISE Program Director

Dr. Maribel Vazquez

Professor ,Biomedical Engineering

REU - Cellular Bioengineering: Health Disparities Component

Dr. Meenakshi Dutt

Associate Professor, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering

REU - Advanced Materials Co-Director

Dr. Lauren Aleksunes

Associate Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology

Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Ms. Christine Zardecki

RISE Liaison

Protein Data Bank Director

Ms. Victoria McCormick


Program Assistant

Ms. Molly Badeo-Mountjoy

PhD candidate

Graduate Assistant

Ms. Rebecca Risman

PhD candidate

Teaching Fellow

Mr. Mason Hooten

PhD candidate

Advanced Materials Graduate Assistant

Ms. Olutosin (Tosin) Oladipo

PhD candidate

Residence Advisors

Dr. David Shreiber

Professor and Chair, Biomedical Engineering

REU - Cellular Bioengineering Director

Dr. Valerie Tutwiler

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

REU - Cellular Bioengineering: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Component

Dr. Deirdre O’Carroll

Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering

REU - Advanced Materials Co-Director

Dr. Geraldine Cochran

Assoc Professor of Professional Practice

REU - Physics and Astronomy Director

Ms. Dawn Lopez, MBA


School of Graduate Studies Program Coordinator

Mr. Navar Mercer White

PhD candidate

Graduate Assistant

Ms. Olivia Parker

PhD candidate

Teaching Fellow

Ms. Jessica Johnson

PhD candidate

Teaching Fellow

Ms. Yongqi Yang

PhD candidate

Advanced Materials Graduate Assistant

Mr. Aman Upadhyay

PhD candidate

Residence Advisors

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